The Future of Legal Marketing

Where there's a will....Okay you've probably heard this one before


The Past

Lead generation has always been at the forefront of every business since the dawn of time. In recent years we've seen a shift from event based sales to SEO and even paid ads on Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms.Some things never change. People want to do right by their family and Wills, LPA's and Trusts will always be needed.Especially in uncertain times.The ways and means of gaining clients may change but the reasons why clients come to you will remain the same. The psychology of why someone hires you will remain the same.It's only the tools that change.


The Present

There's a lot of fear in the air lately. The economy is on the brink, technology is changing and it's easy to feel overwhelmed.We're here to help with that.Now is not the time to be conservative with your business, now is the time to take full advantage of the situation. In chaos there is always opportunity and the firms that rise to the challenge are going to become much more profitable moving forward.The question is will you be one of those who benefit and grow during this time or will you fall behind. There are going to be many who don't adapt and as you know, being amongst the first to adapt is a sure way to secure the future of your firm.


The Future

You've probably been hearing alot about the advances in AITruth is, it's going to change everything. Remember the world before the internet?How different are things now?That's the order of magnitude we're looking at.With chat GPT and the vast array of tools becoming available, it can be daunting. Retraining and learning to code isn't for everyone (certainly isn't for me!)Not to worry though. Just as in the modern world you need a website for your business but don't need to know how to build it yourself, the benefits of AI can be leveraged without any technical knowledge.We'll walk you through what that world will look like.Do not make the mistake of thinking it's only the big firms that are going to be able to take advantage of these leaps in AI, automation and computing.This is an age of decentralisation.LawTech will be accessible and affordable to every firm that makes the decision to embrace the future.


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